
We have a few things to announce this week, some rather important, so please read on.

Important News


On March 30th we will be hosting out AGM in Lecture Theatre 3 of Appleton tower at 7PM, this will be replacing episode night for that night. For those that arent sure what an AGM is its our Annual General Meeting where the next committee for Sciffy is chosen. There are a few rules if you plan of running in it. First for the Executive positions, those being President, Secretary and Treasurer, you have to be a matriculate student with Edinburgh Uni. Second for non executive positions, Librarian and Webmaster, any member of the society can run for those. If you are choosing to run you may want to prepare a little campaign speech about why people should vote for you and what you plan of doing, or you can just wing it on the day. To vote you do have to be a paid member of the society so keep that in mind.

Power Point Party

Depending on the length of the AGM, on that same night (March 30th), we will be having a Power Point Party. If there is enough interest we might also continue the Power Point Party onto the April 1st. If you dont know what a power point party is, its rather simple. People will prepare power points on a topic of their own interest that they want to share with the rest of us before the day, then on the day they will present it. The Power Point can be on anything you want. The only caveat being that the number of people interested determines the length of the power point, so if that is something you would like to do you can register your interest here: https://forms.gle/JEqdP62AwXZrivKW7

Murder Mystery Collab

Lastly The Sign up for the Collab With Murder Mystery Society will be going up on Discord tomorrow so keep an eye open for that and be quick.

The normal last week updates. Thursday was Episodes night, that went off mostly without a hitch.

On Saturday we had a Games night, it was nice to see so many of you there.

Second this week. On thursday in Appleton lecture theatre 3 staring at 7PM we will have the episodes night as per usual

This Saturday is a Movie Night in Teviot Study, 7PM. Suggestions for the film night is open here: https://forms.gle/UzCFfU8QrvNwg5t49

Thats all for this week, Have a good one!

Link for the Episode Night Teams: https://tinyurl.com/bdftu848
Link for the Movie Night Teams: https://tinyurl.com/mskpdpt3

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